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Smart tax consultants and attorneys are worth their cost, as it's still cheaper than paying the government. It's expensive to not know the law.

Robert T. Kiyosaki in Rich Dad Poor Dad

Tax and Social Security Consultancy:

Individual clients and family businesses

Supporting individual clients and family businesses, adopting a proactive approach, providing constructive advice, namely identifying tax opportunities and managing tax risk. In this context, we highlight the support in the process of moving to Portugal for tax purposes, carrying out all the necessary formal procedures, focusing on optimizing personal income and assets before moving to Portugal

Tax Returns

Preparation or review and submission of tax returns.

Tax Consultancy

National and international tax consultancy for individual and corporate clients.

Operations and Corporate Structures

Strategic planning of operations and optimization of the tax implications of operations and corporate structures. My experience in this context, both with national and international operations, allows me to present alternatives for the reorganization of corporate structures, allowing for the reduction of tax impacts in the scope of such operations, as well as maximizing, from a tax point of view, the benefits that the outlined restructuring measures may have in the future.

Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and benefits packages planning, including tax and social security optimization of compensation policies. Given the constantly changing of the needs of employees, I may also support companies in the design and implementation of flexible social benefit plans.

Tax-related Lawsuits and Procedures

Representation in tax-related lawsuits and procedures, in particular, the preparation and monitoring of administrative claims, hearing rights, hierarchical appeals, judicial and arbitral actions and tax appeals.

Binding Rulings

Support in the preparation of binding rulings, to ensure that the Client's tax situation is correctly presented to the tax authorities.

Tax Inspection Procedures

Support and representation in tax inspection procedures, to ensure that the client adopts the most appropriate procedures in this context, effectively managing the communication with the tax authorities. This includes discussing the conclusions of the tax authorities and the discussion of the options available to the client, providing the client with the arguments that may be used to challenge the corrections made by the tax authorities.

TN Tax Legal

In particular, my experience covers the following areas:

  • Personal Income Tax (PIT);
  • Corporate Income Tax (CIT);
  • Value Added Tax (VAT);
  • Real Estate and Inheritance Taxes;
  • Tax Benefits;
  • Social Security.

Other areas and services:

  • Immigration;
  • Inheritance planning;
  • Corporate;
  • Employment;
  • Real Estate;
  • Certified Translations in English and Spanish.